Thursday 12 March 2015

Serendipity - Fortunate Happenstance

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I am a left brain type of a person, quite rational, loving logic, type A. Enough for confessions or excuses for what is to follow. I just want to gain credibility as I am going to write about things that are difficult to explain logically, a bit woo woo. Events that are not causally related but are connected meaningfully are called Synchronicity. Synchronicity seems to be more mystical than serendipity.

Having time to observe events of my life and paying attention to links between some of them, I notice, sometimes almost miraculous connection among events. Serendipity happens. Even its stronger form Synchronicity happens.

A recent very happy event brought this subject and I feel that I want to tell the story.

Some years ago, I think it has been 6 or 7 years ago, I studied coaching and as a part of the course I was supposed to be a client of 12 coaching sessions. One of the options was to be coached by a fellow student. I took this option and found a person I liked the profile of and so I met Victoria. Victoria is a Brazilian girl who lived in Germany. I lived at that time in Gdansk and we both had some problems we wanted to solve with a help of a coach. Victoria was my coach and the sessions with her brought a lot of clarity on what I wanted and needed to be doing next to solve my problems. After a while I became Victoria’s coach and so our friendship was formed. Life went on; we graduated from our coaching academy, got our diplomas and moved on. Victoria to Shanghai of all places a Brazilian girl may want to live in and I back home to Sydney, as if home for a Pole was naturally in Australia.

In Shanghai Victoria met a man. She was looking for coaching assignments and experience. She met her career goals and the man turned out to be the One. This is a beautiful story with a happy end. What I find unusual is that when I first contacted Victoria, she lived in Frankfurt, I lived in Gdansk. We worked together but did not expect to ever meet. It was a cyber space part episode of life. Now, some years later I am invited to her wedding in Sydney where we both live. The world is definitely shrinking. I consider that at least a serendipity.


  1. Lovely piece. You really have a nice style. And a synchronicity too?

  2. I am a great believer in Synchronicity. These kind of encounters have been too many in my life not to have left deep impressions on me. My closest friend today is someone who disappeared from my life in 1987 only to return to it six years ago by my seeing his name in a group mail list and contacting him. Both of us cannot get over it even now.

    1. Yes, I have also experienced many Synchronicity situations. Sometimes it gives me goose bumps. What do you make of it?

    2. Life is mysterious and that we should observe such incidents with awe and wonder at what Life throws at us.
