Friday 10 October 2014

Challenging times

It has been rather difficult for me to write new posts lately. One of the reasons is that I have not physically travelled much and my travels always provided me with easy and obvious choice of subjects. No easy choices these days. Another reason is that I am going through challenging times and it takes my thoughts away from communicating through blogging. The subjects that preoccupy my thoughts do not lend themselves to sharing through internet, at least I feel so. So what shall I write about ? This is my question.  The subjects that are currently in my thoughts are: friendship, gratitude, courage. They are very big subjects and I do not feel up to writing anything profound, at least not now. Hmm...

So I will write a bit about professional side of my life. I want to be current here so I will not reminisce on my past successes and failures. The middle part of my carrier was all about management, project management and leadership. This came to an end but I was not ready to keep smelling the roses as my only occupation. So, I became a certified life coach. There is a link here to my management/leadership past. There is continuation. But in the past I did not think much of “selling” even if for a while I thought that life is all about selling, that we sell something all the time. Like ideas. I think selling skills are important but I have not acquire them to the level of knowing how to sell my coaching successfully. I have not given up though. I strongly believe that coaching is something I could use to make my contribution.

This is how i see the scope of life coaching. My personal expertise is in Personal Development and Career

A week ago I came up with an idea to write posts for my coaching blog Posts related to values. I feel very strongly that knowing and understanding one’s values can be very helpful in making life decisions. Recently it came to me through the LinkedIn contacts that knowing my values can help me to manage my emotions. This I found intriguing and very promising. The new writing project is to write a chapter about each identified value considering its practical uses and some general descriptions. This is still evolving in my head but I am excited about the project. Will it be also a marketing tool for my coaching? Not sure but I will have fun writing about something I have been very interested in for some years. I will learn some things in the process as well. That’s a plus.
This picture (by Stella Bowen) will find a place in my future articles about Values. To illustrate Friendship perhaps? 
and this Picasso should be a great illustration for writing about Freedom

This has been a bit different post today to the previous ones. A bit up close and personal. More than my earlier posts. Hmm...


  1. Very interesting and yes, unusual too. I too am finding it quite difficult to write blog posts and if I don't write about the movies I see the only thing that I religiously write on is the weekly LBC posts. Today after a long time I wrote another one following a telephone call that I received from a friend.

    I am in retirement and haven't given much thought to writing about management or values or anything like that because other than my current preoccupation with matters spiritual, I have little to be original about! If that is exciting, I think that you should persist.

  2. Thank you so much Ramana for your comments. I find it encouraging and it keeps me going.

    Preoccupation with matters spiritual is something I find important. It was many years ago when my Indian friend I met in Europe gave me my first lesson in meditation. I did not pursue it then and it was such a great opportunity I missed. After many years I came back to meditation and now it is a part of my day. I meditate for about 20 minutes but I remember that you spend about one hour. This is serious meditation.

  3. I had left two comments on your other blog which seem to have gone off into your spam box!
