Sunday 15 November 2015

Paris and memories

Today is the day after the attacks on Paris. When I wake up I usually skip my promise to meditate as a start to a good day and go straight to my computer to check out what is going on in the world and among my friends. This morning I did the same. It was not a happy good morning. I found on FB link to Marseillaise from Casablanca. One of my blogging friends reminded us of it, I watched and cried. At times it is easy to bring me to tears with moving scenes. This was definitely one of the times. The world is shocked and many deep comments have been made on the subject. I do not feel up to it, but I feel with France and French people. My thoughts went to happy times I spent in Paris – Le Gai Paris – that is far from joyful today. I still want to remember it the way I experienced it. It is my way to protest against something that I can not comprehend and cannot agree with. I feel so helpless, my little manifestation of putting French colours across my FB picture seems pathetic and inadequate but what can I do? What we, people who are against such horrific, heartless violence can do? Resist being afraid is one thing that comes to mind. Another is to remember happy times in this town. Here are my memories:


  1. Four cities that I love have faced attacks. London and Paris in the West and my hometown Pune and Mumbai in India. All the four caused a lot of pain in me.

  2. I am going to sort out my feelings about the events for a while yet. Of course it is very say and very painful and I do not see how normal people like myself can make a positive difference. I do not think we can and all I think and say about it seems so inadequate to the situation.
