Monday, 24 July 2017

What do you know???

The Polish president will veto two of the three controversial laws, the laws that would have finally buried Polish democracy.  Wow, I am shocked! This is a very quick and emotional post. I am just leaving for a spa in few minutes, no time for writing and even no time for thinking. It makes me happy though. Can I trust this verdict? We'll see, but my choice for now is to feel positive about the event.


  1. Let us hope that the respite will lead to saner thinking.

    1. I am sorry to say that the respite turned out to be a disappointment.

  2. Yes, this veto is really unexpected. Polish politics turns into a quite exciting game. My worry is, that on one hand the people are getting more and more polarized and hostile to the other side. On the other hand I fear that this naive enthusiasm of the street can be manipulated by some cynical politicians.
    On the brighter note - today is Your Name-Day - all the Best!!!!

    1. How rude of me not to thank you earlier. My excuse is lack of internet for a couple of weeks, virus in my computer and friends visiting me for a week.

      It was very nice of you to remember, thank you.

      I agree with you in respect of the polarization and It may even be the case with two of us. I sense that we are not on the same side, but hope it does not matter all that much.

  3. "Laws that would have finally buried Polish democracy".
    I have to mention that these laws mean nominating judges by the Attorney General instead of current procedure where judges are nominated by National Judges Council.
    One more mention - in Australia judges are nominated by... Attorney General.
    Strangely nobody complains about buried democracy.

    1. This is one of the examples that we see certain things from different perspectives.
