Wednesday 21 November 2018

Bloging Milestone

It was not long ago that I started my blog and today I hit the mark of  100,000 page views. For some people this is a small number but I am happy with it. Since I always liked reading, writing was on the cards as the next step and some progression. When I was fifteen or so, I started my first novel. I wrote maybe five pages and this was the extend of my career as a novelist. Then I attempted to write a journal and was more successful this time. I have in my drawers many beautiful books with my thoughts and problems of the times. It was a long time ago that I came across Morning Pages technique recommended by Julia Cameron. This is writing three unedited pages first thing in a morning. Something like stream of consciousness writing. It has not made me a James Joyce, but I solved many small problems this way. I would recommend starting days with the morning pages. Silly thing is that I almost stopped writing my journal in the recent months, but I want to get back to it. This is like talking with myself without putting any censorship on it. To make it easier to keep my new promise I ordered a nice new roller-ball pen with inscribed Amor Fati on it. I am getting a bit pathetic, ain’t I? Still for some years now I have liked nice pens, harmless addiction.

So, this historical event of reaching 100,000 page views started with the encouragement of a friend – My question: How to start writing a blog? Answer : Just do it. And I just did it. Thank you JC.

There is another person I consider with fondness as my teacher in many life disciplines and in writing as well. I believe that I wrote about is some time ago, but this is one of the characteristics of recalling memories. Repetition. So here it goes again. Polish written language is similar to German. Long convoluted sentences very few people can read to the end still remembering what they started with. It is supposed to be sophisticated and intellectual, I believe. My first business memos were tragic and I could not understand my problem. When a well-meaning person made five sentences out of one (I though short) of mine, I was shocked. Without being fully convinced I started to pay attention to writing short sentences with mixed successes, but I always remember the person who alerted me to the facts of written communication.

As I mentioned in one of the previous posts, I seem to have recently some problems with finding subjects to write about. Subjects which would interest others and myself. Subjects which would allow me to retain my sense of humour and distance to my current situation. Being able to keep some distance to the subjects I write about was always the key to allow seeing things clearly without emotional clouds and blinkers.

In the recent times I received some compliments that made my head spin. I never thought about myself that highly as somebody wrote about my subjects and way of writing. And now what? Noblesse Oblige? How can I live up to it? I never thought that highly about my posts myself. Just in case I was not able to express myself accurately, this was all said in a spirit of embarrassed humour.

Now, that I still have not found a decent subject to write about I will stop hoping that I will come up with something more meaningful soon.


  1. It is a problem with all bloggers - finding topics to write on. I normally use prompts from WhatsApp messages that I receive or something in the newspapers that triggers some stream of thought. Suddenly, these too seem to stop and I can go without writing for weeks except for the weekly Friday posts which a friend and I write on.

    I wish you luck with your search for topics.

    1. Thank you Ramana for your comment. I stopped reading even thought there is no good reason for it and this stopped one source of ideas. Need to shake off the blues more effectively.

  2. Congratulations on reaching this milestone AC - a fair reward for the thought you seem to put into this blog.

    On subjects to contemplate, I was by accident reading an old Atlantic Journal article about something which I have repeatedly observed in myself - my reading, watching, and listening to the same books, movies, and songs over and over again?

    In my life there are a couple of authors whose works I have re-read countless times - one who is the author of 30-odd works of fiction I have read at least a dozen times over the past 30-odd years. And a small group of movies I have watched many times, and still get great enjoyment from. Music: worn out the grooves on some :)

    Here's the article I stumbled upon:

    - and I'm wondering (for the sake of a topic to write about) if you have any similar objects of pleasure you return to time and again for enjoyment or for comfort - rather than always seeking the new?


  3. Well, here is one of the reasons why I value the contact with you. You have ideas that resonate with me. I think I will take this one on board even if re-reading is not my thing. Re-playing and re-watching is. It may wait a bit as I am in a hospital now. A gentle hospital, no suffering, just the opposite.
    I must say I am curious what you re-read etc.

  4. Sad to hear you are in hospital AC, but pleased you are at least ok with your surroundings. To satisfy one part of your curiosity, here is a piece of music that I have listened to countless times, over many years, in grief and in joy. I hope you enjoy it as much as I always have...


    1. This is actually good news. My medication is being reviewed and it will take few days of experiments and than checking how it works. In the meantime I am treated very well, even spoiled.
      I played the music most of the afternoon and and I found it moving. At some parts I responded with a lot of emotions. Looks that my sensitivity is on an increase. I knew about the composer and heard his music before, but never stopped to really listen. Thank you.
      I met two very interesting young doctors who pondered on difficulties in finding friends for people with above average intelligence. What is your observation in this department?

    2. Very pleased you enjoyed the music! I put it on repeat in the background after I posted my comment.

      Don't know about intelligence; I think it needs context, but if I was pressed I think I'd say that competence, good humour, grace and humility carry equal weight. And I can't abide laziness (which can be physical and spiritual, as well as intellectual) - thus showing my own failings in at least two of the aforementioned :)

      All the best for your stay, AC.


  5. This time I read your blog with some delay and it looks things happened.
    So firstly my sincere wishes of a good out come from your current visit to hospital.
    Secondly - congratulations on reaching so significant milestone. I consider it quite a remarkable result as you do not produce too many posts and you do not touch any controversial topics.
    As a long time blogger I am impressed with your result.
    Thirdly - reading/re-reading... I just looked back at my readings this year - plan was 25 books, so far I read 35, but my average rating is somewhere between - "it was OK" and "almost good". I have feeling of time lost.
    I was always keen on re-reading. My motto is - if the book is not worth re-reading then it was not worth reading at all.
    I wish you easy time and good outcome.

  6. Hi there. I hope that you have been spending the time better than I have been. Nicer than myself.
    I have a different approach to re-reading books than you, perhaps because I am a slow reader and I want to read more in the times given. But I re-read The War and Peace in the recent years. No particular impressions. Looks that I got the book in the first go. Maybe because that epics are not that complex psychologically.
    My reading club reading basically got the same reaction as your reading this year. But there were some exceptions.
    I have some problems with concentration and would like to read Black Dogs recommended by kvd. It is proving a bit difficult for now. Have I already asked you to give it a go and tell me what you get out of the Polish side of the book? This is about Poland among some heavy (great for me!) psychological stuff.
    I will not be coming to Melbourne after all. Too demanding it seems.
    So many plans fall into pieces but there are significant compensations as well. Life is fascinating. Ain’t I original and deep in my observations. Wow!

    1. Not coming to Melbourne - this is a disappointment. Hopefully you will spend this time in a way beneficial to your health.
      War and Peace - I have to confess I did not manage to read it even once.
      Black Dogs, I do not remember you mentioning this book. Still I read it, I always check in the library if there are any books by I. McEwan. So I read Black Dogs and somehow did not feel any attachment to the story, characters, places and events.
      We wish you serene Advent time.
