Friday 29 April 2016

Are good people always naïve?

I came across a confirmative statement – good people are naïve. Such statement can be interpreted in more than one way, but any of interpretations I can come up with turns out depressing.

If it says that there is no good in life, so only naïve can hope that their goodness is meaningful. This would mean that reality is never good, including intentions, relationships, trust in others and many, many things I would like to believe in without feeling that I am a sucker.

Another interpretation could be – if you are a good person you will be taken for a ride. Maybe it is actually the same side of the goodness coin.

The reason why I have embarked on such a subject is based on being rather self-centered. For quite few years I felt uncomfortable about one of assessment of me as a person. It was one of those management courses when you are supposed to learn about management and also about yourself as a leader. Each evening we worked in groups of four people preparing final presentation for assessment of our suitability as managers. Our group was a difficult one as we all wanted to run the show their own way. We worked till late hours and towards the end of the week sleep deprivation was a problem of us all. I thought that we will never agree on what and how we should present. Each evening when we came to our room somebody would be standing with a marker in front of the whiteboard. Marker was power. The sad point was that each day it would be somebody different and we did not move forward.

What I want to write about now is an assessment I got from the three of my colleagues. We were supposed to fill in a questionnaire about personal traits of the others.  I scored “sincere” as my top characteristic on which all the other three this time had the same opinion. What surprised me was that I was not happy with the assessment. It is actually positive – open, non deceitful, genuine. Why did I feel put down by it? It seemed to me that they were saying that I was naïve, gullible, weak and lacking development powers of analysis (sic!). Who? Moi?

                                              Image result for sincere

I did not like it, but I had to accept their observation even if it has bothered me ever since. When I came across the statement about good meaning naïve, it caught my attention. There have been events in my life when I assumed that people around me can be trusted and then, at times, I was proven that my expectations were incorrect. Was I too naïve? Possibly. Should I change my approach to experience less disappointment in my life? My answer is NO. My choice is to see good in people. Not as a blind assumption, but after positive initial assessment,  I want to trust rather than suspect deceit. It may be that I will be hurt and disappointed more than I could if I took a different approach, but not to trust permanently is beyond my capability. It looks that I chose naivety as a part of sincerity as a companion of living my way. 

                                                   Image result for sincere

I have been house bound for two weeks now, with mess in the house and in my thoughts. People coming and going, raising dust and noise and I still do not see the end to my future kitchen project. What is emerging does not seem to be what I had imagined, some disappointment is sneaking in. This is a difficult time for me and this may be the reason for choosing odd subjects for writing.  


  1. Anna, you must know the old joke about sincerity: once you can fake that, you've got it made.

    Goodness, sincerity, openness, whatever you call it, is quite threatening to most people, it seems to me. I have always thought the negative reaction reflected more upon them, than myself - and I'm not suggesting for one minute that I particularly deserve any of those labels, but still...

    My mother had a favoured saying - "to thine own self be true" - meaning, I guess, that if you are comfortable within yourself, in your dealings with others, then that is enough, because it is all you can control. It is trite, but I do still live by that, and the thought of 'winning' something by presenting a false face is beyond me.

    And good luck with the kitchen! That too, shall pass :)


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi kvd, I am not sure I understand the second paragraph. Did you want to say that the negative reaction reflects more upon sincere people or those who are threatened by them?

    I like your mother's saying, it sounds rather stoic.

    Thank you for the kitchen comment, it cheered me up a bit :)

    1. Did you want to say that the negative reaction reflects more upon sincere people or those who are threatened by them?

      I had previously said:

      I have always thought the negative reaction reflected more upon them, than myself

      I can see your confusion - apologies! I actually meant that the openly sincere is more often treated with suspicion (i.e. what are his motives?) than acceptance.


      ps you need to sort out your posting verification. The very small window it presents in does not contain the specific question to be answered - e.g. "all pics with lakes" I have to 'guess' the required response by choosing those pics which appear similar. Or is this some clever meta-device you yourself have invented? If so, well done :)

    2. I am not sure what my posting verification is. Would like to improve, but do not know what you mean. Would that be "reactions"?

  3. An odd subject to write about indeed but something must have triggered off the thought process in all the mess that you are experiencing. I am going through a similar experience oddly enough with the kitchen but not as bad as your scene is. That part was long over now the waiting for the completion with drawers and shelves is the problem. In my opinion, being sincere is not quite the same as being naive.

    1. I have been at home for too long and the only mental stimulation was reading and listening to the radio. I came across the statement that sincere people are naive and this triggered of old memories. Then I wrote about it not having any better subject to come to mind.
      The kitchen experience turned from thinking of a dream kitchen to a nightmare and I had problems to get out of the negative type of thinking. After today's outing with the friends I feel better and have regain some perspective. Things will get better.

      All the best with completing your kitchen.

  4. All interpretations of term "naïve" are depressing for you?
    I see it in quite opposite perspective.
    Everything natural and spontaneous is naïve.
    The very idea of biological life is most naïve of all as each life must end with death. So - be naïve and enjoy!

  5. You brought a nice perspective across. I like it. The death bit is maybe less appealing, but definitely natural. However, I would not call it naive myself.
